Height: 6'3 | Eye Color: Hazel | Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Connor Odom
Phone: 803-206-8575
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
City: Columbia, South Carolina
Mother Agency: ​
Premier Model Management - Christine Harris
Training & Workshops
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | Self Taping | Chad Broskey, Heyman Talent
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | The Business of Show Business | Chad Broskey, Heyman Talent
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | The World of Fashion Modeling | Marie P. Anderson, Boss Babe Models
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | Runway Polishing | Brooke Smith - ARTS Advisor
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | Working Harder vs. Smarter | CorBen Williams, Broadway Performer, Beetlejuice
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | Building a Personal Brand Digitally | Marlana Glaeser, The Glaeser Group
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | So You Want to be a Stunt Actor | Molly Miller, Stunt Actor
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | Building a Career with Serious Actors | Anthony Reimer, Neighborhood Playhouse
ARTS - APPLAUSE INTERNATIONAL | Stage Combat | Ray Edy, Professional Stuntman